Healing Americas Heroes: Equine Therapy And Fly Fishing for Veterans with PTSD

An Organization that Cares

Healing America’s Heroes is a 501 c-3 non-profit organization based in Chama, New Mexico. Founder Eddie Crain, a retired Vietnam Veteran has dedicated his life and his personal resources to make this organization successful.

With over 7 years in operation, HAH has helped a continual flow of veterans by hosting two summer programs each year. One for male Veterans and one for female Veterans. The program utilizes equine therapy the first half of the week and fly fishing the second half of the week. Qualified veterans are able to relax in nature, attend daily classes tailored to their unique mental health challenges and needs, while bonding with fellow veterans.

Intensive Week Long Treatment

Throughout the week, 7-12 Veterans are able to  learn the fundamentals of equine care and how to properly use fly-fishing gear. While using the bonding relationship with these therapy horses, and the consistency needed in fly-fishing, Veterans are able to correlate these activities as positive experiences that will ultimately provide the space internally for each veteran to Heal.

Participants check in daily with group meetings that discuss the various debilitating symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).These groups are facilitated by James Barber who is a licensed mental health professional. With the group focused on seeking safety and the rest of the time spent with therapy horses or fly-fishing classes, the full therapeutic relationship is clearly present.

From the private ponds made available by local residents to the expertly trained horses that roam freely when not helping a veterans, HAH is an all around gem to the non-profit industry. As no board-member receives a salary, HAH keeps 100% of their donations going towards the mission to eliminate  the suicide rate found in the veteran community


The team at HAH is motivated and dedicated to helping veteran communities across the globe. With full support from the local VA hospitals and National Guard units in New Mexico, the organization is turning to the public for continual support. 

By donating today, you are directly impacting the lives of veterans and their family members. Learn more about Healing America’s Heroes and donate today by visiting their  web site https://healingamericasheroes.com/

Take the pledge and save a Veterans Life! They already risked theirs for yours.